All new users become affiliates

That's an interesting approach! By default, all new users become affiliates, you're essentially giving them a role that allows them to promote your product or service to others. This can be a great way to leverage the power of word-of-mouth marketing and incentivize new users to share your offering with their networks.

Here are some potential benefits of this approach:

  1. Increased reach: With all new users becoming affiliates, you're tapping into their social networks and potentially reaching a wider audience.
  2. Cost-effective marketing: You're leveraging the efforts of your users to promote your product or service, which can be more cost-effective than traditional marketing methods.
  3. Improved user engagement: By giving users a sense of ownership and empowerment, you may see increased engagement and loyalty from your user base.
  4. Data collection: As affiliates, new users may be more likely to provide feedback, ratings, and reviews, which can help you refine your product or service.

However, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider:

  1. Quality control: With all new users becoming affiliates, you may need to implement additional measures to ensure that only high-quality affiliates are promoting your product or service.
  2. Compliance: Depending on your industry or region, there may be regulations around affiliate marketing that you need to comply with.
  3. Support burden: With a large number of affiliates, you may need to invest in additional support resources to help them with any questions or issues they may have.
  4. Incentivization: You may need to provide incentives to motivate affiliates to promote your product or service, which can add to your costs.

To make this approach successful, you may want to consider the following strategies:

  1. Clear guidelines: Establish clear guidelines for affiliates on what is expected of them, including any rules or regulations they need to follow.
  2. Training and support: Provide training and support to help affiliates effectively promote your product or service.
  3. Incentivization: Offer incentives to motivate affiliates to promote your product or service, such as commissions, rewards, or exclusive access to new features.
  4. Monitoring and tracking: Implement a system to monitor and track the performance of affiliates, so you can identify top performers and provide additional support or incentives.

Overall, making all new users affiliates can be a powerful way to leverage the power of word-of-mouth marketing and grow your user base. However, it's essential to carefully consider the potential drawbacks and implement strategies to ensure the success of this approach.