All new fifa 18 skill moves

Here are all the new skill moves in FIFA 18:

Finesse Shot: A new type of shot that allows players to shoot with finesse, using the right analog stick to control the power and direction of the shot.

Step-Overs: A new type of step-over move that allows players to quickly change direction and leave opponents behind.

Ball Rolls: A new type of ball roll move that allows players to roll the ball with their feet, creating space and confusion for opponents.

Flicks: A new type of flick move that allows players to flick the ball up and over opponents, creating space and opportunities for shots or passes.

Step-Overs with Flicks: A combination of the step-over and flick moves, allowing players to quickly change direction and flick the ball over opponents.

Ball Rolls with Flicks: A combination of the ball roll and flick moves, allowing players to roll the ball with their feet and then flick it over opponents.

Roulette: A new type of move that allows players to quickly spin the ball around their feet, creating space and confusion for opponents.

Step-Overs with Roulette: A combination of the step-over and roulette moves, allowing players to quickly change direction and spin the ball around their feet.

Ball Rolls with Roulette: A combination of the ball roll and roulette moves, allowing players to roll the ball with their feet and then spin it around their feet.

Flicks with Roulette: A combination of the flick and roulette moves, allowing players to flick the ball up and over opponents and then spin it around their feet.

Step-Overs with Flicks with Roulette: A combination of the step-over, flick, and roulette moves, allowing players to quickly change direction, flick the ball over opponents, and then spin it around their feet.

These new skill moves are designed to give players more control and creativity on the pitch, and to make the game more challenging and realistic.