All new city 2019

You're referring to the new city that was announced in 2019!

You're likely thinking of Neom, a planned megacity in Saudi Arabia that was announced in 2017, but gained significant attention in 2019. Neom is a $500 billion project that aims to create a futuristic city on the Red Sea coast, with a focus on sustainability, technology, and innovation.

Here are some key facts about Neom:

  1. Location: Neom is being built on a 26,500-square-kilometer area in the northwestern region of Saudi Arabia, near the Jordanian and Egyptian borders.
  2. Size: The city is expected to be around 170 kilometers long and 40 kilometers wide, making it one of the largest cities in the world.
  3. Population: Neom is expected to have a population of around 1 million people, with a goal of attracting 10 million tourists annually.
  4. Economy: The city is expected to be a major hub for industries such as renewable energy, biotechnology, and advanced manufacturing.
  5. Infrastructure: Neom will feature a range of infrastructure, including a new international airport, seaport, and high-speed rail link to Riyadh and Jeddah.
  6. Sustainability: The city is designed to be sustainable, with a focus on renewable energy, green spaces, and minimal carbon emissions.
  7. Timeline: Construction on Neom is expected to begin in 2020, with the first phase of the project expected to be completed by 2025.

Neom is an ambitious project that aims to transform the region and create a new hub for innovation and economic growth.