All in one news app

Here are some popular all-in-one news apps that aggregate news from various sources:

  1. Apple News: A built-in news app for iOS devices that aggregates news from top sources like The New York Times, CNN, and more.
  2. Google News: A news aggregator app that collects news articles from thousands of sources and allows users to customize their feed.
  3. Flipboard: A personalized news app that aggregates content from various sources, including news outlets, blogs, and social media.
  4. News360: A news aggregator app that uses AI to curate a personalized feed based on users' interests and preferences.
  5. Feedly: A news aggregator app that allows users to subscribe to their favorite news sources and blogs, and customize their feed.
  6. Newsify: A news aggregator app that aggregates news from various sources, including news outlets, blogs, and social media.
  7. Tinypass: A news aggregator app that allows users to access news articles from various sources, including paywalled content.
  8. News Republic: A news aggregator app that aggregates news from various sources, including news outlets, blogs, and social media.
  9. Brief: A news aggregator app that aggregates news from various sources, including news outlets, blogs, and social media, and allows users to customize their feed.
  10. SmartNews: A news aggregator app that uses AI to curate a personalized feed based on users' interests and preferences, and also provides real-time updates on trending topics.

These apps are available for both iOS and Android devices, and some of them also have web versions.