All football ronaldo settles into his new role

You're referring to Cristiano Ronaldo, the Portuguese professional footballer who has played for several top-tier clubs, including Manchester United, Real Madrid, and Juventus.

As he has transitioned into his new role, Ronaldo has continued to be an influential player on the pitch. Here are some key aspects of his new role:

  1. More of a playmaker: At 37, Ronaldo has adapted his game to focus more on creating chances for his teammates rather than solely relying on his goal-scoring ability. He has developed a more nuanced understanding of the game, using his vision and passing range to unlock defenses.
  2. Less of a goal-scorer: While Ronaldo is still an excellent finisher, he has become more selective about the chances he takes. He has learned to pick his moments, often choosing to play in his teammates or create opportunities rather than forcing shots.
  3. More of a leader: With his experience and success, Ronaldo has become a natural leader on the pitch. He often takes charge of set pieces, directs his teammates, and provides guidance to younger players.
  4. Improved positioning: Ronaldo has become more intelligent in his positioning, often finding himself in areas where he can receive the ball and create opportunities. He has developed a keen sense of spatial awareness, allowing him to make the most of his time on the pitch.
  5. More of a facilitator: Ronaldo has become more willing to play as a facilitator, using his speed and agility to create space for his teammates. He often drops deep to receive the ball, allowing him to dictate the pace of the game and create opportunities for others.
  6. Less of a target man: While Ronaldo is still an excellent finisher, he is no longer the primary target man for his teams. He has become more of a dynamic, mobile player who can create opportunities from anywhere on the pitch.

Overall, Ronaldo has successfully adapted to his new role, using his experience, intelligence, and skill to remain an influential player in the game.