All crew members have left virus hit ship in japan minister

You're referring to the current situation with the virus-hit ship in Japan.

According to recent reports, all crew members have indeed left the Diamond Princess cruise ship, which has been quarantined in Japan due to a COVID-19 outbreak.

The Japanese government had initially allowed crew members to stay on the ship, but after a surge in new cases, they decided to evacuate them to ensure public health and safety.

As of now, over 3,700 passengers and crew members have been tested for COVID-19, with over 700 confirmed cases reported. The ship has been under quarantine since February 5, and it's expected to remain so until at least February 19.

The Japanese government is working closely with the cruise line, health authorities, and other stakeholders to ensure the safe and efficient evacuation of the remaining passengers, as well as the disinfection and decontamination of the ship.

Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story!