All churches and christian aids in new zealand

What a massive task! New Zealand has a rich Christian heritage, and there are numerous churches and Christian organizations across the country. Here's a list of some of the major Christian denominations, churches, and organizations in New Zealand:


  1. Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia (ACANZP)
  2. Catholic Church in New Zealand (Catholic Dioceses)
  3. Presbyterian Church of New Zealand (PCNZ)
  4. Baptist Union of New Zealand (BUNZ)
  5. Methodist Church of New Zealand (MCNZ)
  6. Lutheran Church of New Zealand (LCNZ)
  7. Pentecostal Assemblies of New Zealand (PANZ)
  8. Assemblies of God in New Zealand (AGNZ)
  9. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church)
  10. Seventh-day Adventist Church in New Zealand (SDA)


  1. Auckland City Mission (Anglican)
  2. St Matthew-in-the-City (Anglican)
  3. Holy Trinity Cathedral (Anglican)
  4. St Patrick's Cathedral (Catholic)
  5. St Mary's Cathedral (Catholic)
  6. St Andrew's Presbyterian Church (Presbyterian)
  7. St Paul's Presbyterian Church (Presbyterian)
  8. Elim Church (Pentecostal)
  9. City Impact Church (Evangelical)
  10. Hillsong Church (Evangelical)

Christian Organizations:

  1. Tear Fund (Christian aid and development organization)
  2. World Vision New Zealand (Christian aid and development organization)
  3. Oxfam New Zealand (Christian aid and development organization)
  4. Christian World Service (Christian aid and development organization)
  5. Baptist World Aid (Christian aid and development organization)
  6. Presbyterian Support Northern (Christian social services organization)
  7. Presbyterian Support Southern (Christian social services organization)
  8. Salvation Army New Zealand (Christian social services organization)
  9. Methodist Mission Northern (Christian social services organization)
  10. Methodist Mission Southern (Christian social services organization)

Other Christian Organizations:

  1. Youth With A Mission (YWAM) New Zealand
  2. Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru) New Zealand
  3. InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF) New Zealand
  4. The Navigators New Zealand
  5. The Evangelical Association of New Zealand (TEANZ)
  6. The New Zealand Christian Network (NZCN)
  7. The New Zealand Baptist Association (NZBA)
  8. The Presbyterian Church of New Zealand's Social Services (PCNZSS)
  9. The Methodist Church of New Zealand's Social Services (MCNZSS)
  10. The Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia's Social Services (ACANZPSS)

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and there may be other Christian denominations, churches, and organizations in New Zealand not included here. Additionally, some organizations may have multiple locations or branches across the country.