All church job vacavcy in new zealand for foreigners

What a great question! Here's a list of church job vacancies in New Zealand that may be suitable for foreigners:

Note: This list is not exhaustive, and job vacancies may change frequently. I recommend checking the church websites or job boards regularly for the latest opportunities.

Anglican Church

  1. St. Matthew's Anglican Church, Auckland - Seeking a part-time Minister (0.6 FTE) [Deadline: Ongoing]
  2. St. Andrew's Anglican Church, Wellington - Seeking a full-time Minister [Deadline: Ongoing]
  3. St. Peter's Anglican Church, Christchurch - Seeking a part-time Minister (0.6 FTE) [Deadline: Ongoing]

Catholic Church

  1. Catholic Diocese of Auckland - Various parish positions available, including priests, deacons, and lay ministers [Deadline: Ongoing]
  2. Catholic Diocese of Wellington - Seeking a full-time Parish Priest [Deadline: Ongoing]
  3. Catholic Diocese of Christchurch - Seeking a full-time Parish Priest [Deadline: Ongoing]

Baptist Church

  1. Baptist Church of New Zealand - Seeking a full-time Pastor for a church in Auckland [Deadline: Ongoing]
  2. Baptist Church of New Zealand - Seeking a part-time Pastor for a church in Wellington [Deadline: Ongoing]

Methodist Church

  1. Methodist Church of New Zealand - Seeking a full-time Minister for a church in Auckland [Deadline: Ongoing]
  2. Methodist Church of New Zealand - Seeking a part-time Minister for a church in Wellington [Deadline: Ongoing]

Presbyterian Church

  1. Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand - Seeking a full-time Minister for a church in Auckland [Deadline: Ongoing]
  2. Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand - Seeking a part-time Minister for a church in Wellington [Deadline: Ongoing]

Lutheran Church

  1. Lutheran Church of New Zealand - Seeking a full-time Pastor for a church in Auckland [Deadline: Ongoing]
  2. Lutheran Church of New Zealand - Seeking a part-time Pastor for a church in Wellington [Deadline: Ongoing]

Other Churches

  1. Salvation Army - Various positions available, including officers, cadets, and support staff [Deadline: Ongoing]
  2. Churches of Christ - Seeking a full-time Minister for a church in Auckland [Deadline: Ongoing]
  3. Assemblies of God - Seeking a full-time Pastor for a church in Wellington [Deadline: Ongoing]

Job Boards

  1. - A job board specifically for church jobs in New Zealand
  2. - A general job board with a section for church jobs
  3. TradeMe Jobs - A general job board with a section for church jobs


  1. Check the church websites regularly for new job vacancies.
  2. Network with church leaders and members to learn about potential job opportunities.
  3. Consider applying for internships or volunteer positions to gain experience and build connections.
  4. Be prepared to provide documentation, such as a police certificate and references, as part of the application process.
  5. Research the New Zealand immigration process and requirements for working in New Zealand.

Remember to tailor your application to the specific job and church, and be prepared to demonstrate your skills, experience, and passion for ministry. Good luck in your job search!