All africa news online

Here are some popular online news sources that cover news from all over Africa:

  1. AllAfrica: A comprehensive online news platform that aggregates news from over 130 African news organizations and publishers.
  2. Africa News: A news website that provides up-to-date news from across Africa, with a focus on politics, business, and sports.
  3. The Africa Report: A French-language news website that covers news from across Africa, with a focus on politics, economy, and society.
  4. Daily Maverick: A South African news website that covers news from across Africa, with a focus on politics, business, and sports.
  5. The East African: A Kenyan-based news website that covers news from East Africa, with a focus on politics, business, and sports.
  6. The Guardian Nigeria: A Nigerian news website that covers news from Nigeria and across Africa, with a focus on politics, business, and sports.
  7. Al Jazeera Africa: A news website that covers news from across Africa, with a focus on politics, economy, and society.
  8. BBC Africa: A news website that covers news from across Africa, with a focus on politics, business, and sports.
  9. The Africa Times: A news website that covers news from across Africa, with a focus on politics, business, and sports.
  10. Africanews: A French-language news website that covers news from across Africa, with a focus on politics, economy, and society.

Some popular online news sources for specific regions in Africa include:

These are just a few examples of the many online news sources available for Africa. You can also search for news websites specific to your country or region of interest.