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The New Yam Festival!

The New Yam Festival, also known as the Iri Ji Festival, is a traditional celebration in Nigeria, particularly among the Igbo people. It's a significant cultural event that marks the beginning of the yam harvest season. Here's what you need to know:

When: The festival usually takes place in September or October, depending on the location and the yam harvest season.

Where: The festival is primarily celebrated in the southeastern region of Nigeria, particularly in the states of Anambra, Enugu, Imo, Abia, and Ebonyi.

What: The New Yam Festival is a celebration of the yam harvest, which is a staple crop in Igbo culture. The festival is a time to give thanks to the gods for a successful harvest, and it's also a time to come together with family and friends to share in the joy and abundance of the season.


  1. Yam presentation: The festival begins with the presentation of new yams to the gods and ancestors. This is done to show appreciation for the blessings of the harvest.
  2. Traditional attire: Participants wear traditional Igbo attire, which includes colorful wrappers, head ties, and beaded jewelry.
  3. Music and dance: The festival features traditional music and dance performances, including the famous Igbo drumming and dancing.
  4. Food: Traditional Igbo dishes are prepared and shared among the community, including yam-based dishes like pounded yam, yam porridge, and yam fufu.
  5. Rituals: The festival includes various rituals and ceremonies, such as the "Iri Ji" ceremony, where the new yams are presented to the gods and ancestors.


  1. Harvest celebration: The New Yam Festival is a celebration of the harvest season, which is a significant time in Igbo culture.
  2. Community bonding: The festival brings the community together, fostering unity and social bonding among family and friends.
  3. Cultural preservation: The festival helps to preserve Igbo culture and traditions, passing them down to future generations.
  4. Economic significance: The festival also has economic significance, as it attracts tourists and boosts local businesses.

Interesting facts:

  1. Yam is a symbol: Yam is a symbol of prosperity, fertility, and abundance in Igbo culture.
  2. Long history: The New Yam Festival has a long history, dating back to the pre-colonial era.
  3. Variety of yams: The festival features a variety of yams, including the popular "white yam" and "yellow yam".

In conclusion, the New Yam Festival is a vibrant and colorful celebration that showcases Igbo culture and traditions. It's a time for community bonding, cultural preservation, and economic growth, and it's an important part of Nigeria's cultural heritage.