All about new estate baptist school

New Estate Baptist School is a private Christian school located in Accra, Ghana. Here are some key facts about the school:

History: New Estate Baptist School was founded in 1975 by the New Estate Baptist Church, with the aim of providing quality education to children in the community.

Mission: The school's mission is to provide a Christ-centered education that prepares students for academic, social, and spiritual success.

Curriculum: The school offers a comprehensive curriculum that includes English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, French, and Christian Religious Education. The curriculum is designed to meet the needs of students from kindergarten to senior high school.

Facilities: The school has a range of facilities, including classrooms, a library, a computer laboratory, a science laboratory, a sports field, and a dormitory for boarding students.

Student Body: The school has a diverse student body of over 1,000 students, with a mix of Ghanaian and international students.

Academic Performance: New Estate Baptist School has a strong academic record, with students consistently performing well in national exams and competitions.

Extracurricular Activities: The school offers a range of extracurricular activities, including sports teams, music and drama clubs, and community service programs.

Values: The school's values include:

Accreditation: New Estate Baptist School is accredited by the Ghana Education Service and the West African Examinations Council (WAEC).

Admission Requirements: Admission to the school is based on a combination of academic performance, character, and a personal interview.

Fees: The school's fees are competitive with other private schools in Accra, and are designed to be affordable for families from a range of backgrounds.

Contact Information:

Address: New Estate, Accra, Ghana Phone: +233 302 243 123 Email: [email protected] Website:

I hope this information is helpful!