All 80 clubs in our league couldnt raise that money madrid b team panned for fielding e30m reinier e54m rodrygo

It seems like you're referring to the financial struggles of clubs in your league, particularly the Madrid B team, and how they couldn't raise the funds to match the massive transfer fees paid by Real Madrid for players like Reinier and Rodrygo.

To put things into perspective, the transfer fees you mentioned are indeed staggering:

It's no wonder that many clubs in your league, including the Madrid B team, might struggle to match these kinds of fees. The financial gap between top-tier clubs like Real Madrid and smaller clubs is significant, and it can be challenging for smaller clubs to compete in the transfer market.

However, it's worth noting that Real Madrid's financial resources are unparalleled in the world of football. The club has a massive following, a lucrative sponsorship deal with Adidas, and a significant revenue stream from their Champions League appearances. These factors contribute to their ability to spend big on transfers.

For smaller clubs, it's essential to focus on developing their youth academy, scouting for undervalued players, and building a strong team through shrewd management and smart transfers. While they might not be able to compete with the likes of Real Madrid in terms of transfer fees, they can still build a competitive team and achieve success through other means.

What do you think is the most significant challenge facing smaller clubs in your league, and how do you think they can overcome these challenges?