Aljazeera net news

Al Jazeera Net is a popular online news platform that provides up-to-date news, analysis, and coverage of global events. Here are some of the latest news stories from Al Jazeera Net:

Top Stories

  1. Israel-Palestine Conflict: Israeli forces have killed at least 10 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip, as tensions escalate over a disputed holy site in Jerusalem.
  2. US-Iran Tensions: The United States has imposed new sanctions on Iran, targeting its central bank and other financial institutions, in a bid to increase pressure on the country.
  3. Coronavirus Pandemic: The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported a record number of new COVID-19 cases worldwide, as the pandemic continues to spread globally.
  4. Hong Kong Protests: Thousands of protesters have taken to the streets of Hong Kong to demand greater democracy and an investigation into alleged police brutality.
  5. India-China Border Dispute: Tensions have escalated between India and China along their disputed border, with both sides accusing each other of aggression.

Middle East

  1. Syria Crisis: The Syrian government has launched a major offensive against rebel-held areas in the northwestern province of Idlib, sparking widespread humanitarian concerns.
  2. Yemen Conflict: The Saudi-led coalition has launched airstrikes against Houthi rebels in Yemen, as the country teeters on the brink of famine.
  3. Egyptian Politics: Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has announced a new cabinet, amid ongoing protests and calls for reform.


  1. South Africa Protests: Protests have erupted in South Africa over the country's economic crisis and corruption allegations against President Cyril Ramaphosa.
  2. Ethiopia Crisis: The Ethiopian government has declared a state of emergency in the Oromia region, following clashes between security forces and protesters.
  3. Nigeria Elections: Nigeria is set to hold presidential elections, with incumbent President Muhammadu Buhari facing a challenge from opposition candidate Atiku Abubakar.


  1. China-US Trade Talks: The United States and China have agreed to a "phase one" trade deal, which aims to reduce tensions between the two countries.
  2. North Korea-US Relations: North Korea has accused the United States of "gangster-like" behavior, amid stalled talks over the country's nuclear program.
  3. Indonesia Elections: Indonesia is set to hold presidential elections, with incumbent President Joko Widodo facing a challenge from former general Prabowo Subianto.

These are just a few of the latest news stories from Al Jazeera Net. You can visit their website for more in-depth coverage and analysis of global events.