Aljazeera net english news

Here are the latest English news articles from Al Jazeera:

Top Stories

  1. US and Iran on brink of war: The US and Iran are on the brink of war after a US drone strike killed top Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani, sparking widespread outrage and calls for revenge.
  2. Hong Kong protests turn violent: Pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong have clashed with police, leaving several injured and sparking concerns of a worsening crisis.
  3. UK and EU reach Brexit deal: The UK and EU have reached a last-minute Brexit deal, avoiding a no-deal exit and paving the way for a transition period.

Middle East

  1. Iran vows revenge for Soleimani's death: Iran has vowed to take revenge for the death of Qasem Soleimani, with the country's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei calling for "severe revenge".
  2. Israel and Palestine tensions escalate: Tensions between Israel and Palestine have escalated, with both sides trading accusations and threats of violence.
  3. Yemen's humanitarian crisis worsens: The humanitarian crisis in Yemen has worsened, with millions of people at risk of famine and disease.


  1. China's economy slows down: China's economy has slowed down, with growth rates at their lowest level in nearly three decades.
  2. North Korea's nuclear programme: North Korea has conducted a series of nuclear tests, sparking concerns about the country's nuclear programme.
  3. India's citizenship law sparks protests: India's new citizenship law has sparked widespread protests, with critics accusing the government of discriminating against Muslims.


  1. Sudan's transition to democracy: Sudan is transitioning to democracy, with a new government in place and international sanctions lifted.
  2. Ethiopia's conflict escalates: Ethiopia's conflict has escalated, with fighting between government forces and rebel groups leaving thousands displaced.
  3. South Africa's economic crisis: South Africa is facing an economic crisis, with high unemployment and poverty rates sparking widespread protests.


  1. US-Iran tensions escalate: Tensions between the US and Iran have escalated, with both sides trading accusations and threats of violence.
  2. Mexico's migrant crisis: Mexico is facing a migrant crisis, with thousands of people fleeing violence and poverty in Central America.
  3. Brazil's environmental crisis: Brazil is facing an environmental crisis, with widespread deforestation and pollution sparking concerns about the country's future.

These are just a few of the latest news articles from Al Jazeera. You can visit their website for more in-depth coverage and analysis of global news.