Aljazeera breaking news

Here are the latest breaking news updates from Al Jazeera:

Top Stories

  1. Israel-Palestine Conflict: Israeli forces have killed at least 10 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip, as tensions escalate over a disputed holy site in Jerusalem.
  2. COVID-19 Pandemic: The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that the COVID-19 pandemic is far from over, with cases surging in many parts of the world, including the Middle East and North Africa.
  3. Yemen Crisis: The United Nations has called for an immediate ceasefire in Yemen, where a Saudi-led coalition has been fighting Houthi rebels for years, causing widespread humanitarian suffering.
  4. Iran-US Tensions: The United States has imposed new sanctions on Iran, targeting its oil and banking sectors, in a bid to pressure Tehran over its nuclear programme and regional activities.
  5. Egyptian Politics: Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has announced a new cabinet, with several key ministers retaining their posts, amid ongoing protests and calls for reform.

Regional News

  1. Syria: The Syrian government has launched a major offensive against rebel-held areas in the northwestern province of Idlib, sparking fears of a humanitarian crisis.
  2. Libya: The United Nations has called for an immediate ceasefire in Libya, where a fragile ceasefire has been broken, and fighting has resumed between rival factions.
  3. Iraq: The Iraqi government has launched a major operation against ISIS remnants in the country, following a series of attacks that have killed dozens of people.
  4. Lebanon: The Lebanese government has announced a new cabinet, with a focus on addressing the country's economic crisis and implementing reforms.
  5. Turkey: The Turkish government has launched a major operation against Kurdish militants in the southeastern region of Hakkari, following a series of attacks that have killed several people.

International News

  1. US-China Tensions: The United States and China have agreed to a temporary truce in their trade war, with both sides agreeing to roll back some tariffs.
  2. UK-EU Brexit Talks: The United Kingdom and the European Union have agreed to extend the Brexit deadline until January 31, 2020, amid ongoing negotiations over the terms of the UK's departure.
  3. India-Pakistan Tensions: The Indian government has accused Pakistan of supporting a militant attack in the disputed region of Kashmir, which has sparked tensions between the two countries.
  4. Russia-Ukraine Conflict: The United States has imposed new sanctions on Russia over its actions in Ukraine, amid ongoing tensions between the two countries.
  5. Climate Change: The United Nations has warned that the world is running out of time to address the climate crisis, with the latest report warning of devastating consequences if global warming exceeds 1.5 degrees Celsius.

These are just some of the latest breaking news updates from Al Jazeera. Stay tuned for further updates and analysis.