Alison madueke forfeits 37 5m banana island property others fg

It appears that you're referring to a news article or report about Alison Madueke, a former Nigerian Minister of Petroleum Resources, forfeiting a 37.5 million naira property on Banana Island, Lagos, to the Federal Government.

For those who may not be familiar, Banana Island is a luxurious residential area in Lagos, Nigeria, known for its high-end properties and affluent residents.

According to reports, Alison Madueke, who served as the Minister of Petroleum Resources from 2010 to 2015, was accused of corruption and money laundering during her tenure. As part of the ongoing efforts to recover stolen assets, the Federal Government seized the 37.5 million naira property on Banana Island, which was allegedly linked to Madueke.

The property, which is valued at approximately 37.5 million naira, is said to be one of several assets that Madueke allegedly acquired through corrupt means. The forfeiture of the property is seen as a significant step in the government's efforts to recover stolen assets and hold public officials accountable for their actions.

It's worth noting that Madueke has denied any wrongdoing and has been involved in a series of legal battles to recover the seized assets. However, the government has maintained that the assets were acquired through corrupt means and has continued to pursue the recovery of the stolen funds.

Overall, the forfeiture of the 37.5 million naira property on Banana Island is seen as a significant victory for the Federal Government in its efforts to combat corruption and recover stolen assets.