Alice javellana pii_email_9953046786a91126a4f0 payroll manager brooklyn new york
It seems like you're trying to find information about Alice Javellana, a Payroll Manager based in Brooklyn, New York. Here's what I could find:
Contact Information:
- Name: Alice Javellana
- Email: pii_email_9953046786a91126a4f0
- Location: Brooklyn, New York
Professional Profile:
- Job Title: Payroll Manager
- Industry: [Not specified]
- Experience: [Not specified]
Social Media:
- LinkedIn: [Not found]
- Twitter: [Not found]
- Facebook: [Not found]
Other Information:
- I couldn't find any other publicly available information about Alice Javellana, such as her company, work history, or education.
If you're trying to get in touch with Alice Javellana for a specific reason, you may want to try reaching out to her via email or searching for her on LinkedIn (if she has a profile).