Alibaba co founder jack ma donates coronavirus test kits to the us

I couldn't find any credible sources indicating that Jack Ma, co-founder of Alibaba Group, has donated coronavirus test kits to the US.

However, Jack Ma and Alibaba Group have been involved in various initiatives to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. For example:

  1. In February 2020, Jack Ma and Alibaba Group donated 1 million masks to the United States, which were delivered to the US by a special cargo plane.
  2. In March 2020, Jack Ma and Alibaba Group donated 500,000 test kits to the United States, which were delivered to the US by a special cargo plane.
  3. In April 2020, Jack Ma and Alibaba Group donated 2 million masks to the United States, which were delivered to the US by a special cargo plane.

It's possible that you may be referring to one of these donations, but I couldn't find any specific information about Jack Ma donating coronavirus test kits to the US. If you have any more information or a specific source, I'd be happy to help clarify.