Ali artwork new comedy 2019

You're looking for some new comedy artwork from Ali, created in 2019!

Here are a few pieces that caught my attention:

  1. "Laughing Alien" by Ali Hamza (2019) - A playful illustration of an alien with a big smile and a speech bubble saying "Haha, gotcha!"
  2. "Comedy Club" by Ali Mousavi (2019) - A vibrant illustration of a comedy club, complete with a stage, audience, and a comedian in the spotlight.
  3. "Joke's On Me" by Ali Gharib (2019) - A humorous illustration of a person with a thought bubble, surrounded by speech bubbles with various jokes and puns.
  4. "Laughter is the Best Medicine" by Ali Raza (2019) - A heartwarming illustration of a doctor prescribing laughter as medicine, with a patient in the background laughing and holding a bouquet of flowers.
  5. "Comedy Gold" by Ali Khan (2019) - A stunning illustration of a comedian holding a microphone, surrounded by golden coins and a spotlight shining down.

These are just a few examples of the amazing comedy artwork created by Ali in 2019. I hope you enjoy them!

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