Alexbecker sourcewave replacement new website

It looks like you're looking for information on Alex Becker's new website, SourceWave, which is a replacement for his previous website, Traffic and Funnels.

Here's what I found:

What is SourceWave?

SourceWave is a new website created by Alex Becker, a well-known entrepreneur and online marketing expert. The website is designed to help entrepreneurs and small business owners grow their online presence and generate more sales.

What does SourceWave offer?

SourceWave offers a range of tools and resources, including:

  1. Website builders: SourceWave provides a website builder that allows users to create professional-looking websites without needing to know how to code.
  2. Marketing automation: The platform offers marketing automation tools that help users automate their marketing efforts and save time.
  3. Sales funnels: SourceWave provides sales funnel templates and tools that help users create effective sales funnels.
  4. Email marketing: The platform offers email marketing tools that allow users to create and send targeted email campaigns.
  5. Analytics and tracking: SourceWave provides analytics and tracking tools that help users monitor their website's performance and track their marketing efforts.

Why did Alex Becker create SourceWave?

Alex Becker created SourceWave as a replacement for his previous website, Traffic and Funnels, which was shut down in 2020. Becker wanted to create a new platform that would offer more comprehensive tools and resources for entrepreneurs and small business owners.

What are the benefits of using SourceWave?

Using SourceWave can help entrepreneurs and small business owners:

  1. Grow their online presence: SourceWave's website builder and marketing automation tools can help users create a professional online presence and reach more customers.
  2. Increase sales: The platform's sales funnel templates and email marketing tools can help users create effective sales funnels and increase conversions.
  3. Save time: SourceWave's automation tools can help users save time and streamline their marketing efforts.
  4. Improve analytics: The platform's analytics and tracking tools can help users monitor their website's performance and track their marketing efforts.

Overall, SourceWave is a comprehensive platform that offers a range of tools and resources for entrepreneurs and small business owners looking to grow their online presence and generate more sales.