Alexander scourby new testament

Alexander Scourby was a renowned American actor who narrated the New Testament of the Bible in 1959. His narration is still widely regarded as one of the most iconic and influential recordings of the New Testament.

Scourby's narration was produced by the American Foundation for Biblical Research and was released on vinyl records. The recording was a groundbreaking achievement in its time, as it was one of the first comprehensive recordings of the New Testament in English.

Scourby's narration is notable for its clear and expressive delivery, which brought the words of the Bible to life for listeners. His voice was described as warm, rich, and authoritative, making the scriptures accessible and engaging for a wide audience.

The recording has been re-released on various formats over the years, including cassette tapes, CDs, and digital downloads. It remains a beloved and respected recording of the New Testament, and many listeners continue to cherish it as a treasured part of their spiritual journey.

Some interesting facts about Alexander Scourby's New Testament narration:

  1. Scourby was a classically trained actor who had a long career in radio, television, and film. He was known for his distinctive voice and his ability to bring characters to life.
  2. The recording was made over a period of several months, with Scourby recording each book of the New Testament separately.
  3. Scourby's narration was accompanied by a full orchestra, which added to the drama and grandeur of the recording.
  4. The recording was originally released on 12 vinyl records, with each record containing a portion of the New Testament.
  5. Scourby's narration has been praised by scholars, theologians, and listeners alike for its clarity, accuracy, and emotional resonance.

Overall, Alexander Scourby's New Testament narration is a timeless classic that continues to inspire and educate listeners to this day.