Alexander arnold reveals klopps consistent message to liverpool stars

According to a recent report, Liverpool right-back Alexander Arnold has revealed that manager Jürgen Klopp consistently tells his players to "stay calm" and "trust the process" during matches.

In an interview with the Liverpool Echo, Arnold said: "The manager is always saying 'stay calm, stay calm'. He's always telling us to trust the process and not to get too anxious or too stressed. He's always saying 'we're going to get there, we're going to get there'."

Arnold also praised Klopp's ability to motivate his players, saying: "He's got a way of making you feel like you're the most important player on the pitch. He's got a way of making you feel like you're the one who's going to make the difference. He's got a way of making you feel like you're the one who's going to win the game for him."

This is not the first time that Klopp's mantra has been reported. In the past, players such as Sadio Mané and Roberto Firmino have also spoken about the importance of staying calm and trusting the process under Klopp's guidance.

It's clear that Klopp's message is having a positive impact on his players, and it's no surprise that Liverpool have been so successful under his management.