Aleppo news network

The Aleppo News Network (ANN) is a Syrian news agency that was established in 2012 during the Syrian Civil War. The agency is based in Aleppo, Syria, and provides news coverage of the conflict in the region.

ANN is known for its pro-opposition stance and has been critical of the Syrian government's actions during the conflict. The agency has reported on human rights abuses, civilian casualties, and other issues related to the war.

ANN has also been accused of being biased and of promoting a particular narrative about the conflict. Some critics have accused the agency of exaggerating the scale of the conflict and of presenting a one-sided view of the situation.

Despite these criticisms, ANN has been recognized as a credible source of information on the Syrian conflict by some international organizations and media outlets. The agency has also been praised for its bravery in reporting on the conflict, as it has continued to operate in a dangerous and volatile environment.

Some of the key issues that ANN has reported on include:

ANN has also reported on the activities of various opposition groups, including the Free Syrian Army and other rebel factions. The agency has also covered the activities of extremist groups, such as the Islamic State (ISIS) and al-Qaeda.

Overall, the Aleppo News Network is an important source of information on the Syrian conflict, and its reporting has helped to raise awareness about the humanitarian crisis and human rights abuses in the region.