Aleppo news facebook

Here are some recent news articles and updates about Aleppo from various sources, including Facebook:

Recent News Articles:

  1. "Aleppo's Old City Reopens After Years of Destruction" - Al Jazeera (March 2023)
    • The Old City of Aleppo has reopened to the public after years of destruction and reconstruction efforts.
  2. "Aleppo's Reconstruction Efforts Face Funding Shortages" - The New York Times (February 2023)
    • The reconstruction of Aleppo is facing funding shortages, with many projects stalled or delayed due to lack of resources.
  3. "Aleppo's Children Return to School After Years of War" - BBC News (January 2023)
    • Children in Aleppo have returned to school after years of war, with many schools still in need of repair and reconstruction.

Facebook Updates:

  1. "Aleppo's Old City Reopens" - Aleppo Governorate (Facebook page)
    • The official Facebook page of the Aleppo Governorate announced the reopening of the Old City of Aleppo, with photos and videos of the event.
  2. "Rebuilding Aleppo: A Community Effort" - Aleppo Reconstruction Committee (Facebook page)
    • The Aleppo Reconstruction Committee, a non-profit organization, shared updates on their efforts to rebuild and restore the city, including photos and videos of their work.
  3. "Aleppo's Children Return to School" - UNICEF Syria (Facebook page)
    • UNICEF Syria shared updates on their efforts to support education in Aleppo, including photos and videos of children returning to school.

Other Sources:

  1. Aleppo News (Facebook page) - A Facebook page dedicated to providing news and updates about Aleppo.
  2. Syria News (Facebook page) - A Facebook page providing news and updates about Syria, including Aleppo.
  3. The Syria Times (Facebook page) - A Facebook page providing news and updates about Syria, including Aleppo.

Please note that the accuracy and reliability of information on Facebook pages and other social media platforms may vary. It's always a good idea to verify information through multiple sources before sharing or believing it.