Albino new nollywood actress

You're referring to the talented and beautiful albino actress in the Nigerian film industry, popularly known as Nollywood!

One notable albino actress in Nollywood is:

  1. Helen Uche: Helen is a Nigerian actress who was born with albinism. She has been active in the industry since 2014 and has appeared in several films and TV shows. She has used her platform to raise awareness about albinism and promote inclusivity in the entertainment industry.

Other notable albino actresses in Nollywood include:

  1. Nadia Buari: Although not exclusively an albino actress, Nadia has spoken publicly about her experience with albinism and has used her platform to raise awareness about the condition.
  2. Uche Jombo: Uche is a Nigerian actress who has spoken about her experience with albinism and has used her platform to promote inclusivity and diversity in the entertainment industry.

These actresses, along with others, are helping to break down barriers and challenge stereotypes surrounding albinism in Nigeria and beyond.