Alassane ouattara how ivory coasts president stunned west africa

Allassane Ouattara is not the President of the Ivory Coast. He is actually the President of Côte d'Ivoire, a country in West Africa. He has been in office since 2011.

However, I assume you are referring to the controversy surrounding his presidency. Here's a brief summary:

Allassane Ouattara's presidency has been marked by controversy, particularly in the early years of his tenure. He was first elected in 2010, after a long and tumultuous period of political instability in Côte d'Ivoire. Ouattara's victory was seen as a major turning point for the country, as he was the first president to be elected without the backing of the country's former ruling party, the Democratic Party of Côte d'Ivoire (PDCI).

However, Ouattara's presidency has been criticized for a number of reasons. One of the main criticisms is that he has been accused of not doing enough to address the country's deep-seated political and economic problems. Many Ivorians feel that Ouattara has not done enough to promote economic development, reduce poverty, and improve living standards.

Another controversy surrounding Ouattara's presidency is his handling of the country's political opposition. Ouattara has been accused of cracking down on opposition parties and restricting their ability to operate freely. This has led to tensions between the government and opposition parties, and has contributed to a sense of political instability in the country.

Despite these controversies, Ouattara remains a popular figure in Côte d'Ivoire, and has been re-elected twice. However, his presidency has been marked by challenges and controversies, and his legacy remains a subject of debate among Ivorians and international observers.