Alanis morissettes debut album jagged little pill is 25 years old

What a milestone! Alanis Morissette's iconic debut album "Jagged Little Pill" was indeed released on June 13, 1995, making it 25 years old today!

This album was a game-changer in the music industry, catapulting Alanis to international stardom and cementing her status as a powerful female voice in rock music. The album's raw emotion, introspective lyrics, and catchy melodies resonated with listeners worldwide, selling over 33 million copies worldwide and earning 15 Grammy nominations.

Some of the album's most iconic tracks include "You Oughta Know," "Hand in My Pocket," "Ironic," "You Learn," and "All I Really Want." These songs tackled themes of heartbreak, empowerment, and self-discovery, speaking to a generation of young adults who were looking for authenticity and honesty in their music.

"Jagged Little Pill" has been certified 16x Platinum by the RIAA and remains one of the best-selling debut albums of all time. Its impact on popular culture is still felt today, with many artists citing Alanis as an inspiration and the album's influence evident in contemporary music.

To celebrate this milestone, Alanis has been touring extensively, performing the album in its entirety, and releasing a 25th-anniversary edition of the album with bonus tracks and demos.

What's your favorite song or memory associated with "Jagged Little Pill"?