Alaafin news

Alaafin of Oyo is the traditional ruler of the Oyo Empire, a historic Yoruba kingdom in southwestern Nigeria. Here are some recent news updates about the Alaafin:

Recent News

  1. Alaafin's 51st Coronation Anniversary: The Alaafin of Oyo, Oba Lamidi Adeyemi III, celebrated his 51st coronation anniversary on January 14, 2023. The occasion was marked with a grand ceremony at the Oyo Palace, attended by dignitaries from across Nigeria and beyond.
  2. Alaafin's Health Concerns: There have been concerns about the Alaafin's health in recent times. In December 2022, he was hospitalized for an undisclosed illness, sparking rumors about his health. However, his palace officials have assured the public that he is recovering well.
  3. Alaafin's Support for Education: The Alaafin has been a strong advocate for education in Oyo State. In November 2022, he donated N10 million to the Oyo State Government to support the education sector.
  4. Alaafin's Role in Yoruba Unity: The Alaafin has been playing a key role in promoting unity among the Yoruba people. In October 2022, he hosted a meeting of Yoruba monarchs and leaders to discuss ways to strengthen Yoruba unity and address common challenges.
  5. Alaafin's 80th Birthday: The Alaafin turned 80 years old in October 2022, marking a significant milestone in his life. The occasion was celebrated with a grand ceremony at the Oyo Palace, attended by dignitaries from across Nigeria and beyond.

Past News

  1. Alaafin's Coronation: The Alaafin was crowned in 1971, succeeding his father, Oba Adeyemi I. His coronation was marked by a grand ceremony, attended by dignitaries from across Nigeria and beyond.
  2. Alaafin's Role in Oyo Politics: The Alaafin has played a significant role in Oyo State politics, often serving as a mediator in disputes between political leaders. In 2019, he played a key role in resolving a crisis between the Oyo State Government and the Oyo State House of Assembly.
  3. Alaafin's Support for Agriculture: The Alaafin has been promoting agriculture in Oyo State, encouraging farmers to adopt modern farming techniques and providing support to small-scale farmers.

These are just a few examples of recent news updates about the Alaafin of Oyo. If you're looking for more information, I can try to help you find it!