Al jazeera news today youtube

Here are the latest news videos from Al Jazeera English on YouTube:

Top Stories

  1. Israel-Palestine: Clashes erupt in Jerusalem (Live updates)
    • Israeli police clash with Palestinian protesters in Jerusalem's Old City, amid tensions over access to a holy site. (Published 1 hour ago)
  2. US-China trade talks: What's at stake?
    • The US and China are set to resume trade talks in Beijing, with both sides seeking to resolve their differences. (Published 2 hours ago)
  3. India's economy: A crisis deepens
    • India's economy is facing a severe crisis, with growth slowing to a six-year low. (Published 3 hours ago)

Middle East

  1. Syria: Regime forces advance in Idlib
    • Syrian government forces have made gains in the northwestern province of Idlib, despite a ceasefire agreement. (Published 4 hours ago)
  2. Iran-US tensions: A dangerous game
    • The US and Iran are engaged in a war of words, with both sides accusing each other of aggression. (Published 5 hours ago)
  3. Yemen: Humanitarian crisis worsens
    • The humanitarian crisis in Yemen is worsening, with millions of people at risk of famine and disease. (Published 6 hours ago)


  1. South Africa: Protests erupt over economy
    • Protests have erupted in South Africa over the country's struggling economy and high unemployment. (Published 7 hours ago)
  2. Ethiopia: PM Abiy Ahmed wins Nobel Peace Prize
    • Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to promote peace and reconciliation. (Published 8 hours ago)
  3. Nigeria: Boko Haram attacks continue
    • Boko Haram attacks have continued in northeastern Nigeria, despite a military crackdown. (Published 9 hours ago)


  1. Hong Kong: Pro-democracy protests continue
    • Pro-democracy protests have continued in Hong Kong, despite a ban on face masks and a crackdown on protesters. (Published 10 hours ago)
  2. China: Xinjiang camps 're-education'
    • The Chinese government has defended its "re-education" camps in Xinjiang, where hundreds of thousands of Uyghur Muslims are being held. (Published 11 hours ago)
  3. Japan: Economy struggles to recover
    • Japan's economy is struggling to recover from a contraction in the second quarter, with growth expected to remain slow. (Published 12 hours ago)

These are just a few of the latest news videos from Al Jazeera English on YouTube. You can find more videos on their channel by searching for "Al Jazeera English" or by visiting their website at