Al jazeera news confirming buhari health status

I couldn't find any credible sources from Al Jazeera News confirming the health status of President Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria. Al Jazeera is a reputable news organization, but it's essential to verify information through multiple sources to ensure accuracy.

As of my knowledge cutoff, there have been various reports and speculations about President Buhari's health, but I couldn't find any official confirmation from the Nigerian government or credible sources like Al Jazeera.

It's important to note that the Nigerian government has been tight-lipped about the President's health, and there have been concerns about the lack of transparency. In 2017, President Buhari spent several months in London receiving medical treatment, which sparked widespread speculation about his health.

If you're looking for credible sources of information on President Buhari's health, I recommend checking official government sources, reputable news organizations, and fact-checking websites.