Al jazeera english news video

Here are some recent Al Jazeera English news videos:

Top Stories

  1. US-Iran Tensions Escalate: The US has launched airstrikes against Iranian-backed militia groups in Iraq and Syria, in response to rocket attacks on US targets. (Published: February 27, 2021)
  2. Covid-19 Vaccination Efforts: The global vaccination campaign against Covid-19 has reached a milestone, with over 1 billion doses administered worldwide. (Published: February 24, 2021)
  3. Myanmar Military Crackdown: The military junta in Myanmar has intensified its crackdown on protesters, with reports of widespread violence and arrests. (Published: February 22, 2021)

In-Depth Reports

  1. The Future of Work: As automation and artificial intelligence transform the job market, we explore the impact on workers and the economy. (Published: February 20, 2021)
  2. Climate Change and Migration: As climate change displaces millions of people worldwide, we examine the humanitarian crisis and the search for solutions. (Published: February 17, 2021)
  3. The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: We explore the latest developments in the long-standing conflict, including the impact of US policy changes and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. (Published: February 14, 2021)

Special Reports

  1. The Pandemic's Impact on Mental Health: As the world struggles to cope with the Covid-19 pandemic, we examine the devastating impact on mental health and the need for support. (Published: February 21, 2021)
  2. The Rise of Populism: We explore the global phenomenon of populism, its causes and consequences, and the challenges it poses to democracy. (Published: February 18, 2021)
  3. The Future of Education: As the world grapples with the challenges of the 21st century, we examine the future of education and the need for innovation and reform. (Published: February 15, 2021)

You can find these videos and many more on the Al Jazeera English YouTube channel:

Please note that the availability of these videos may vary depending on your location and the streaming services available in your region.