Al jazeera english news headlines

Here are the latest news headlines from Al Jazeera English:

Top Stories

  1. US and Iran on brink of war: Tensions escalate as Iran shoots down US drone, prompting Trump to threaten military action.
  2. Hong Kong protests turn violent: Clashes between police and protesters leave dozens injured, as demands for democracy and freedom continue.
  3. UK's Johnson faces no-confidence vote: Prime Minister Boris Johnson faces a vote of no confidence from his own party, amid criticism over Brexit and leadership.

Middle East

  1. Gaza ceasefire holds: Israel and Palestinian militants agree to ceasefire, ending days of violence and rocket attacks.
  2. Syria's Idlib on brink of disaster: Humanitarian crisis worsens as Syrian government forces advance on rebel-held territory, displacing thousands.
  3. Iran's economy in crisis: Sanctions and economic mismanagement push Iran's economy to the brink of collapse, sparking protests and unrest.


  1. China's economy slows: GDP growth rate falls to lowest level in nearly three decades, sparking concerns over global economic impact.
  2. India's Kashmir lockdown continues: Authorities extend curfew in disputed region, amid ongoing protests and human rights concerns.
  3. Japan's economy contracts: GDP falls for first time in five years, as trade tensions and natural disasters take their toll.


  1. Sudan's transition in crisis: Military and civilian leaders at odds over power-sharing deal, amid ongoing protests and violence.
  2. Ethiopia's dam dispute escalates: Egypt and Ethiopia at loggerheads over construction of massive dam on Nile River, threatening regional stability.
  3. South Africa's economy in crisis: Country's economy contracts for first time in a decade, amid power outages and corruption scandals.


  1. EU's Brexit deadline looms: UK and EU negotiators struggle to reach agreement on trade deal, as deadline for withdrawal approaches.
  2. France's yellow vest protests continue: Demonstrations against government's economic policies enter 14th month, with no end in sight.
  3. Germany's coalition government in crisis: Chancellor Angela Merkel's government faces no-confidence vote, amid infighting and corruption scandals.


  1. US-Mexico border crisis deepens: Migrant caravan faces violence and repression, as US and Mexico struggle to address humanitarian crisis.
  2. Brazil's election crisis: Supreme Court orders new election in key state, amid allegations of fraud and corruption.
  3. Canada's climate protests spread: Thousands take to streets across country, demanding action on climate change and environmental protection.

These are just some of the latest news headlines from Al Jazeera English. For more in-depth coverage and analysis, please visit their website or watch their live broadcasts.