Al fresco new zealand

Al Fresco New Zealand! Al Fresco is a popular camping and outdoor accommodation brand that offers a unique way to experience the beauty of New Zealand's great outdoors. Here's what you can expect:

What is Al Fresco?

Al Fresco is a network of campsites and glamping accommodations scattered throughout New Zealand. They offer a range of options, from basic campsites to luxurious glamping tents and motorhomes. The brand is known for its emphasis on sustainability, community, and connection with nature.

Types of Accommodations

Al Fresco offers several types of accommodations to suit different tastes and budgets:

  1. Campsites: Basic campsites with access to shared facilities, such as toilets, showers, and kitchen areas.
  2. Glamping Tents: Luxurious, pre-pitched tents with comfortable bedding, furniture, and amenities like electricity and lighting.
  3. Motorhomes: Self-contained motorhomes that can be rented for a more traditional camping experience.
  4. Yurts: Traditional Mongolian yurts with comfortable bedding and amenities like electricity and lighting.

Amenities and Activities

Al Fresco campsites and glamping accommodations often come with a range of amenities and activities, including:

  1. Shared Facilities: Toilets, showers, kitchen areas, and laundry facilities.
  2. Recreational Activities: Swimming pools, hot tubs, BBQ areas, and outdoor games like tennis and basketball.
  3. Guided Tours: Bookable guided tours and activities, such as hiking, biking, and kayaking.
  4. Community Events: Regular events and gatherings, like campfire nights, potluck dinners, and live music performances.


Al Fresco has campsites and glamping accommodations in various locations throughout New Zealand, including:

  1. North Island: Auckland, Bay of Islands, Coromandel Peninsula, and more.
  2. South Island: Queenstown, Wanaka, Lake Tekapo, and more.

Booking and Pricing

You can book Al Fresco accommodations online through their website or through third-party booking platforms like or Airbnb. Prices vary depending on the type of accommodation and location, but expect to pay around $30-100 NZD per night for a campsite or glamping tent.

Tips and Essentials

Before booking your Al Fresco adventure, consider the following:

  1. Book in Advance: Popular campsites and glamping accommodations can fill up quickly, especially during peak season.
  2. Pack Essentials: Bring comfortable clothing, sturdy shoes, and a sense of adventure!
  3. Respect the Environment: Al Fresco emphasizes sustainability, so be sure to respect the natural environment and follow any guidelines provided by the campsite or glamping accommodation.

Overall, Al Fresco New Zealand offers a unique and immersive way to experience the beauty of New Zealand's great outdoors. Whether you're a seasoned camper or a glamping enthusiast, there's something for everyone at Al Fresco!