Akwaibom agf berates police commissioner for allegedly flouting court order

It appears you're referring to a news article or report about a situation in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Here's a summary of the article:

The Akwa Ibom State Government has berated the Police Commissioner in the state, Mr. Andrew Amiengheme, for allegedly flouting a court order. The government accused the commissioner of disobeying a court ruling that ordered the police to release a suspect who was arrested and detained without a valid warrant.

According to the report, the suspect was arrested and detained by the police for allegedly committing a crime, but the court later ruled that the arrest and detention were unlawful and ordered the police to release the suspect. However, the police allegedly refused to comply with the court order, leading to the government's intervention.

The Akwa Ibom State Government has called on the Police Commissioner to respect the rule of law and obey court orders, warning that any further disobedience would be met with severe consequences. The government has also demanded an explanation from the commissioner on why the police refused to comply with the court order.

It's worth noting that this is a developing story, and more information may become available as it unfolds.