Akpos new funny jokes

Akpos, the king of Nigerian comedy! Here are some new funny jokes from him:

  1. Why did the chicken go to the doctor? Akpos: "Because it had a fowl cough!"
  2. Why did the man bring a ladder to the party? Akpos: "Because he heard the drinks were on the house!"
  3. What did the grape say when it got stepped on? Akpos: "Nothing, it just let out a little wine!"
  4. Why did the computer go to the doctor? Akpos: "It had a virus... and not the kind that's trending on social media!"
  5. Why did the man bring a magnet to the bar? Akpos: "Because he wanted to attract some attention!"
  6. What did the banana say to the apple? Akpos: "You're the core of my problem!"
  7. Why did the man go to the gym? Akpos: "To get some abs... and not just the kind you find in a book!"
  8. Why did the cat join a band? Akpos: "Because it wanted to be the purr-cussionist!"
  9. What did the scarecrow win an award for? Akpos: "Because he was outstanding in his field... of corn!"
  10. Why did the man bring a pillow to the party? Akpos: "Because he wanted to have a soft time!"

I hope these jokes made you laugh!