Akpororo new song

You're a fan of Akpororo!

Akpororo is a Nigerian gospel singer and comedian, known for his energetic performances and soulful voice. He has released many hit songs over the years, and I'd be happy to help you find his latest one.

As of my knowledge cutoff, some of Akpororo's recent songs include:

  1. "I'm a Winner" (2022) - a motivational song that celebrates victory and triumph.
  2. "Osuba" (2022) - a worship song that expresses gratitude and praise to God.
  3. "My God" (2021) - a song that highlights God's goodness and faithfulness.
  4. "Elohim" (2021) - a song that praises God's power and majesty.

Please note that Akpororo regularly releases new music, so these might not be his latest songs. You can check his official social media channels or music streaming platforms like YouTube, Spotify, or Apple Music to find his latest releases.

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