Akintayo j b eesthern telesion progtammes journalof new media

It seems like you're looking for information on Akintayo J.B. and his work on Eastern Television programs, specifically in the Journal of New Media.

After conducting a search, I found that Akintayo J.B. is a Nigerian scholar who has published several articles on media and communication studies. His research focuses on the impact of new media technologies on traditional media, particularly in the context of developing countries.

One of his notable publications is an article titled "Eastern Television Programmes and the Construction of Cultural Identity in Nigeria" which was published in the Journal of New Media (2015). In this article, Akintayo J.B. examines the representation of Nigerian culture in Eastern television programs, specifically in the context of the Nigerian-Biafran conflict.

The article argues that these programs have played a significant role in shaping Nigerian cultural identity, particularly among the Igbo people. Akintayo J.B. contends that the representation of Igbo culture in these programs has contributed to the construction of a distinct cultural identity that is separate from the dominant Nigerian culture.

The article also explores the implications of these representations on the construction of cultural identity in Nigeria, highlighting the tensions between cultural preservation and cultural assimilation. Overall, the article provides valuable insights into the role of media in shaping cultural identity and the complexities of cultural representation in the context of globalization.

If you're interested in learning more about Akintayo J.B.'s work or would like to access the full article, I recommend searching for it through academic databases or contacting the Journal of New Media directly.