Akede agbaye news

You're referring to the popular Nigerian song "Akede AGBAYE" by Nathaniel Bassey!

As for news related to the song, here are a few updates:

  1. Global Reach: "Akede AGBAYE" has gained massive popularity worldwide, with millions of views on YouTube and streams on music platforms. The song has become a global phenomenon, transcending borders and cultures.
  2. Collaborations: Nathaniel Bassey has collaborated with other artists on remixes and covers of "Akede AGBAYE". These collaborations have further boosted the song's popularity and introduced it to new audiences.
  3. Live Performances: Nathaniel Bassey has performed "Akede AGBAYE" at various concerts, festivals, and events around the world, including the prestigious "One Africa Music Fest" in London.
  4. Music Awards: The song has received several nominations and awards, including the "Best Gospel Song" award at the 2020 Nigeria Entertainment Awards.
  5. Impact: "Akede AGBAYE" has had a significant impact on the music industry, inspiring a new wave of gospel artists and encouraging people to explore their faith through music.

These are just a few updates on the news surrounding "Akede AGBAYE". If you're interested in staying up-to-date with the latest developments, I recommend following Nathaniel Bassey's social media accounts or music news websites.