Akbc society news

I'm assuming you're referring to the Akbarpur Block Congress Committee (ABCC) society news. Here are some recent updates:

Recent Events:

  1. Rally for Farmers' Rights: The ABCC organized a rally in support of the farmers' protest against the new agricultural laws. The rally was attended by hundreds of farmers and local residents.
  2. Blood Donation Camp: The society organized a blood donation camp in collaboration with the local blood bank. Over 50 units of blood were collected and donated to the needy.
  3. Cultural Festival: The ABCC hosted a cultural festival, featuring traditional dances, music, and food from different parts of the country. The event was a huge success, attracting a large crowd of locals and visitors.

Upcoming Events:

  1. Health Camp: The society is organizing a health camp in association with a local hospital. The camp will provide free medical check-ups, consultations, and medicines to the residents.
  2. Environment Awareness Program: The ABCC is planning an environment awareness program to educate residents about the importance of conservation and sustainability.
  3. Sports Tournament: The society is organizing a sports tournament, featuring games like cricket, football, and badminton. The tournament is open to all residents and will be held over the next few weekends.

News and Updates:

  1. New Committee Members: The ABCC has recently inducted new members to its committee. The new members include local residents who are passionate about community service and development.
  2. Community Kitchen: The society is planning to set up a community kitchen to provide meals to the elderly and needy residents.
  3. Infrastructure Development: The ABCC is working with the local authorities to improve the infrastructure in the area, including road maintenance and street lighting.

These are just a few updates from the Akbarpur Block Congress Committee (ABCC) society. If you're interested in learning more, I can try to find more information for you!