Ajax goal cancelled by var becomes first in champions league

I think there may be some confusion here!

Ajax is a Dutch professional football club that has won the UEFA Champions League four times, but I'm not aware of any instance where a goal cancelled by VAR (Video Assistant Referee) became the first goal in the Champions League.

VAR is a system used to help referees make accurate decisions in football matches, particularly in situations where a goal has been scored or a penalty has been awarded. If a goal is cancelled by VAR, it means that the referee has reviewed the play and decided that the goal should not stand, usually due to an offside position or a foul committed by a player.

In the Champions League, the first goal is typically scored by a team in the match, and it's not related to VAR or goal cancellations. The team that scores the first goal is usually the one that starts the scoring sequence, and it can be a crucial moment in the match.

If you could provide more context or clarify what you're referring to, I'd be happy to help you understand the situation better!