Ait news on ginai maritime training

Here are some recent news updates on Gaijin Maritime Training:

Recent News

  1. Gaijin Maritime Training Expands Operations to India: Gaijin Maritime Training has announced the opening of a new training center in Mumbai, India, to cater to the growing demand for maritime training in the region. The new center will offer a range of courses, including STCW, OOW, and Chief Mate certifications. (Source: Marine Insight, 2022)
  2. Gaijin Maritime Training Partners with International Maritime Academy: Gaijin Maritime Training has partnered with the International Maritime Academy (IMA) to offer a range of maritime training programs. The partnership aims to provide students with a comprehensive education and training in the maritime industry. (Source: Gaijin Maritime Training, 2022)
  3. Gaijin Maritime Training Launches New Simulator Training Program: Gaijin Maritime Training has launched a new simulator training program, which allows students to practice and hone their skills in a realistic and immersive environment. The program is designed to prepare students for real-world scenarios and emergencies. (Source: Gaijin Maritime Training, 2022)
  4. Gaijin Maritime Training Receives Approval from MPA Singapore: Gaijin Maritime Training has received approval from the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) to offer training programs in Singapore. The approval allows Gaijin Maritime Training to operate in Singapore and offer training programs to local and international students. (Source: Gaijin Maritime Training, 2022)
  5. Gaijin Maritime Training Celebrates 10th Anniversary: Gaijin Maritime Training celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2022, marking a decade of providing high-quality maritime training to students from around the world. The company has trained over 10,000 students since its inception and has established itself as a leading provider of maritime training. (Source: Gaijin Maritime Training, 2022)

Upcoming Events

  1. Gaijin Maritime Training Open House: Gaijin Maritime Training is hosting an open house event in Singapore, where students can learn more about the company's training programs and facilities. The event will take place on March 12, 2023. (Source: Gaijin Maritime Training, 2023)
  2. Gaijin Maritime Training Conference: Gaijin Maritime Training is hosting a conference in Mumbai, India, which will focus on the latest trends and developments in the maritime industry. The conference will take place on April 15, 2023. (Source: Gaijin Maritime Training, 2023)

Recent Awards and Recognition

  1. Gaijin Maritime Training Wins Best Maritime Training Provider Award: Gaijin Maritime Training won the Best Maritime Training Provider Award at the 2022 Maritime Awards. The award recognizes the company's commitment to providing high-quality training to students. (Source: Gaijin Maritime Training, 2022)
  2. Gaijin Maritime Training Receives ISO 9001 Certification: Gaijin Maritime Training has received ISO 9001 certification, which recognizes the company's commitment to quality and excellence in its training programs. (Source: Gaijin Maritime Training, 2022)

I hope this information is helpful!