Ait news casters binta bukar

Binta Bukar is a Nigerian journalist and news anchor who has worked with several media organizations in Nigeria. She is currently a news anchor with AIT (Africa Independent Television), a popular television station in Nigeria.

Binta Bukar has a strong background in journalism, with a degree in Mass Communication from the University of Lagos. She began her career in journalism as a reporter with the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) before moving to AIT, where she has been a news anchor for several years.

As a news anchor, Binta Bukar is known for her professionalism, poise, and ability to deliver news with clarity and precision. She has anchored several news programs on AIT, including the flagship news program, "Focus Nigeria".

Binta Bukar is also a strong advocate for women's rights and empowerment, and has used her platform to raise awareness about issues affecting women and girls in Nigeria. She has also been involved in several charity initiatives, including working with organizations that support education and healthcare for underprivileged children.

Overall, Binta Bukar is a respected and accomplished journalist in Nigeria, known for her excellent reporting and anchoring skills, as well as her commitment to using her platform to make a positive impact on society.