Airtable new user follow up plan

Here's a sample follow-up plan for a new Airtable user:

Week 1-2: Onboarding and Setup

  1. Initial Email: Send a welcome email with a brief introduction to Airtable, its features, and benefits.
  2. Onboarding Session: Schedule a 30-minute onboarding session to help the user set up their account, create their first base, and understand the basics of Airtable.
  3. Follow-up Email: Send a follow-up email with a link to Airtable's getting started guide and a list of resources to help the user get started.

Week 3-4: Data Migration and Organization

  1. Data Migration: Offer to help the user migrate their existing data into Airtable, if applicable.
  2. Organization Tips: Send an email with tips on how to organize their data, including creating tables, fields, and views.
  3. Follow-up Email: Send a follow-up email with a link to Airtable's documentation on data organization and a list of best practices.

Week 5-6: Customization and Automation

  1. Customization Tips: Send an email with tips on how to customize their Airtable base, including creating custom views, formulas, and buttons.
  2. Automation Introduction: Introduce the user to Airtable's automation features, such as Zapier and Airtable's built-in automation tools.
  3. Follow-up Email: Send a follow-up email with a link to Airtable's documentation on automation and a list of use cases.

Week 7-8: Advanced Features and Best Practices

  1. Advanced Features: Introduce the user to advanced features, such as rollups, linked records, and conditional formatting.
  2. Best Practices: Share best practices for using Airtable, including data validation, data quality, and data governance.
  3. Follow-up Email: Send a follow-up email with a link to Airtable's documentation on advanced features and best practices.

Week 9-12: Ongoing Support and Feedback

  1. Regular Check-ins: Schedule regular check-ins with the user to provide ongoing support and answer any questions they may have.
  2. Feedback Request: Request feedback from the user on their experience with Airtable, including any challenges they've faced and any suggestions they may have.
  3. Follow-up Email: Send a follow-up email with a summary of the user's feedback and any action items that need to be addressed.

Additional Tips