Airline ticket from abuja to new york

I'd be happy to help you find an airline ticket from Abuja to New York!

Here are a few options to consider:

Direct Flights:

Unfortunately, there are no direct flights from Abuja to New York. However, you can consider flying with the following airlines that offer connecting flights:

One-Stop Flights:

Here are some one-stop flight options from Abuja to New York:

Two-Stop Flights:

If you're looking for a more affordable option, you can consider two-stop flights:

Fare Comparison:

Here's a rough estimate of the prices for each option:

Please note that these prices are subject to change and may vary depending on the time of year, demand, and availability.


To book your flight, I recommend using a flight comparison website like Skyscanner, Expedia, or Kayak. You can also contact the airlines directly to book your ticket.

I hope this helps you find the perfect flight from Abuja to New York!