Airforce wants arrested cadets handed over

It seems like you're referring to a recent news story about the Indian Air Force (IAF) wanting to take custody of arrested cadets from the National Cadet Corps (NCC) who were involved in a brawl at the Air Force Academy in Dundigal, Telangana.

According to reports, the IAF has requested the authorities to hand over the arrested cadets to them, citing that they are responsible for the cadets' training and well-being. The cadets were arrested after a violent altercation broke out between them and some other cadets at the academy.

The IAF's decision to take custody of the arrested cadets has sparked controversy, with some questioning whether the Air Force has the authority to do so. The NCC, which is a voluntary organization, is responsible for training young people in various skills, including military drills, first aid, and leadership.

It's worth noting that the IAF has a reputation for being one of the most prestigious and respected institutions in the country, and its cadets are considered to be among the best and brightest. However, the incident has raised concerns about the level of discipline and accountability within the academy.

What are your thoughts on this issue? Do you think the IAF has the right to take custody of the arrested cadets, or should the NCC be responsible for handling the situation?