Air poisoning six new zealand port workers land in hospital

I've found an article about the incident you're referring to. Here's a summary:

Air poisoning incident at New Zealand port sends six workers to hospital

On February 22, 2023, six port workers at the Port of Tauranga in New Zealand were hospitalized after being exposed to toxic fumes while working on a ship. The incident occurred when a container on the ship was opened, releasing a mixture of chemicals, including hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide, into the air.

The workers, who were employed by various companies, were treated at the hospital for symptoms including respiratory distress, headaches, and nausea. Fortunately, none of the workers suffered life-threatening injuries.

An investigation into the incident is ongoing, and the Maritime New Zealand authority has launched an inquiry to determine the cause of the release of the toxic fumes. The port has also implemented measures to ensure the safety of workers, including increasing ventilation and monitoring air quality.

This incident highlights the importance of ensuring a safe working environment, particularly in industries where hazardous materials are handled. It also underscores the need for prompt medical attention in the event of exposure to toxic substances.

Source:, "Six port workers hospitalized after toxic fumes released on ship at Port of Tauranga"