Aipp new brunswick

AIPP (Association of Independent Property Professionals) New Brunswick!

The AIPP is a professional organization that represents independent property professionals, including real estate agents, property managers, and other industry experts. Here are some key facts about the AIPP in New Brunswick:

Mission: The AIPP's mission is to promote professionalism, ethics, and excellence in the real estate industry, while providing support and resources to its members.

Membership: The AIPP has a growing membership of independent property professionals in New Brunswick, including real estate agents, property managers, and other industry experts.

Benefits: AIPP membership offers a range of benefits, including:

Services: The AIPP provides a range of services to its members, including:

Contact: If you're interested in learning more about the AIPP in New Brunswick, you can contact them at:

Association of Independent Property Professionals New Brunswick [Email address] [Phone number]

I hope this information is helpful!