Ain't it cool news script reviews

A blast from the past! Ain't It Cool News (AICN) was a popular website that focused on movie and TV news, reviews, and interviews. The site was founded by Harry Knowles in 1996 and quickly gained a large following among film enthusiasts.

The site was known for its unique style, which often featured humorous and irreverent reviews of movies, as well as exclusive interviews with industry professionals. The reviews were often written in a conversational tone, with a focus on the entertainment value of the film rather than its technical merits.

Here's an example of what an AICN script review might look like:

"The Matrix Reloaded" Review

"Okay, okay, I know what you're thinking. 'Harry, why are you reviewing this movie? It's just a bunch of special effects and Keanu Reeves running around.' And to that, I say... guilty as charged! But you know what? It's also a whole lot of fun.

The Matrix Reloaded is like a big ol' bowl of cinematic popcorn - it's a thrill ride from start to finish, with plenty of action, adventure, and even a few surprises along the way. The special effects are, of course, mind-blowing, and the Wachowskis' direction is as slick as ever.

But what really makes this movie work is the cast. Keanu Reeves is still the perfect Neo, and Laurence Fishburne is as cool as ever as Morpheus. And let's not forget about the new additions to the cast - Monica Bellucci is a total babe, and Hugo Weaving is as creepy as ever as Agent Smith.

So if you're looking for a movie that's just plain fun, then The Matrix Reloaded is the way to go. Just don't expect too much depth or substance - this is a movie that's all about the ride, baby!"

"The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" Review

"I'll be honest with you, I was a little skeptical about this movie. I mean, it's a big ol' fantasy epic, and I wasn't sure if it would hold my attention. But you know what? It's actually really good!

The Fellowship of the Ring is a beautifully shot film, with some of the most stunning landscapes I've ever seen on screen. The special effects are also top-notch, and the cast is excellent - Elijah Wood is a great Frodo, and Viggo Mortensen is a total rockstar as Aragorn.

But what really makes this movie work is the story. It's a classic tale of good vs. evil, with plenty of twists and turns along the way. And let's not forget about the humor - there are some great comedic moments in this movie, especially from Sean Astin as Samwise Gamgee.

So if you're a fan of fantasy movies, then The Fellowship of the Ring is a must-see. And even if you're not, it's still a great film that's worth checking out."

These reviews are just examples, but they give you an idea of the tone and style that AICN was known for. The site was a beloved part of the film community for many years, and its influence can still be seen in the way that movie news and reviews are presented online today.