Aim global uganda new global package 2019

Aim Global Uganda!

For those who may not know, Aim Global is a multi-level marketing (MLM) company that offers a range of health and wellness products, as well as a business opportunity for individuals to earn income.

Now, regarding the "New Global Package 2019" in Uganda, here are some key details:

What is the New Global Package?

The New Global Package is a revised compensation plan introduced by Aim Global in 2019, designed to provide more opportunities for its distributors to earn income. The package is designed to reward distributors for their efforts in building their business and promoting the company's products.

Key Features of the New Global Package:

  1. Increased Earning Potential: The new package offers higher earning potential for distributors, with more opportunities to earn commissions and bonuses.
  2. New Product Line: Aim Global introduced new products in 2019, including a range of health supplements and wellness products, which are now part of the New Global Package.
  3. Improved Compensation Structure: The new package features a more comprehensive compensation structure, with more ways for distributors to earn income, including commissions, bonuses, and leadership incentives.
  4. Enhanced Leadership Incentives: The New Global Package offers more incentives for leaders and top performers, including higher commissions, bonuses, and recognition awards.
  5. Global Recognition: The package recognizes and rewards distributors who achieve certain milestones and performance targets, both locally and globally.

Benefits of the New Global Package:

  1. Increased Income Potential: The new package offers more opportunities for distributors to earn a higher income, making it an attractive option for those looking to build a successful business.
  2. Improved Product Line: The introduction of new products has expanded Aim Global's product range, providing distributors with more options to promote and sell to their customers.
  3. Enhanced Recognition: The package recognizes and rewards distributors for their hard work and dedication, providing a sense of accomplishment and motivation to continue growing their business.
  4. Global Opportunities: The New Global Package offers distributors the opportunity to connect with a global network of like-minded individuals, sharing knowledge, resources, and best practices.


The New Global Package 2019 is an exciting development for Aim Global Uganda, offering distributors more opportunities to earn income, promote new products, and connect with a global community. If you're interested in learning more about the package or joining Aim Global Uganda, I recommend reaching out to an existing distributor or visiting the company's official website for more information.