Aiesec new exchange standards 2019

AIESEC is a global youth-run organization that provides international internships and volunteer opportunities to young people. In 2019, AIESEC introduced new exchange standards to ensure a more standardized and high-quality experience for participants. Here are the new exchange standards introduced by AIESEC in 2019:

  1. Global Competencies: AIESEC introduced a set of global competencies that participants are expected to develop during their exchange. These competencies include:
    • Communication
    • Collaboration
    • Problem-solving
    • Adaptability
    • Leadership
    • Cultural awareness
    • Emotional intelligence
  2. Exchange Types: AIESEC introduced three types of exchanges:
    • Internship: A professional work experience in a company or organization.
    • Volunteer: A non-remunerated work experience in a non-profit organization or community project.
    • Leadership: A leadership development experience in a local or global AIESEC project.
  3. Exchange Duration: AIESEC standardized the exchange duration to:
    • Minimum 2 weeks: For internships and volunteer exchanges.
    • Minimum 4 weeks: For leadership exchanges.
  4. Exchange Fees: AIESEC introduced a standardized fee structure for exchanges, which includes:
    • Application fee: A one-time fee paid by participants to apply for an exchange.
    • Placement fee: A fee paid by participants to AIESEC for the placement process.
    • Local costs: Participants are responsible for covering their local costs, such as accommodation, food, and transportation.
  5. Exchange Conditions: AIESEC introduced standardized conditions for exchanges, including:
    • Language requirements: Participants must have a minimum level of language proficiency in the host country's language.
    • Age requirements: Participants must be between 18 and 30 years old.
    • Insurance: Participants are required to have travel insurance that covers them during their exchange.
  6. Host Company Requirements: AIESEC introduced standardized requirements for host companies, including:
    • Company profile: Host companies must provide a profile of their organization, including their mission, values, and goals.
    • Job description: Host companies must provide a detailed job description of the internship or volunteer role.
    • Supervision: Host companies must provide a supervisor or mentor to support the participant during their exchange.
  7. Participant Requirements: AIESEC introduced standardized requirements for participants, including:
    • CV and cover letter: Participants must submit a CV and cover letter as part of their application.
    • Language skills: Participants must demonstrate a minimum level of language proficiency in the host country's language.
    • Motivation letter: Participants must submit a motivation letter explaining why they want to participate in the exchange.

These new exchange standards aim to ensure a more standardized and high-quality experience for participants, while also providing a framework for host companies and AIESEC staff to work together to deliver successful exchanges.